Sponsor a Girl’s Education

The Namugongo Fund for Special Children is committed to providing every child in Namugongo access to education, health services, shelter, clothing, adult supervision and a sense of belonging to a loving family.

Sanyu Agnes experienced a childhood that is far too common in Uganda. Orphaned at age 4, she joined the Namugongo Fund for Special Children in February 2006 when we opened a breakfast center at Bulindo where she was staying with her paternal aunt.

Like many orphans in Namugongo, Sanyu faced many challenges. Her living situation was problematic, which led to her repeatedly running away from her aunt’s home. She did not attend school, without which the prospects for any child in Uganda—particularly girls—is bleak.

We immediately saw great potential in Sanyu. Despite her circumstances, she approached everything in life with passion. She was a natural communicator and had an eagerness and joy about her that struck everyone who met her. NFSC was able to work out a way to settle Sanyu permanently in NFSC care.

This intervention truly saved Sanyu’s life. She enrolled at Buddo Junior School—a very competitive private boarding school—where she has excelled. She has just finished her Primary Leaving Examination and is looking forward to secondary school She is living positively and serving as a peer support leader at the NFSC ART clinic in Kimbejja. She aspires to be a fashion designer.

Help us ensure that girls like Sanyu have the opportunity to thrive and become future leaders in their communities.

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