Sponsor a Boy's Education

The Namugongo Fund for Special Children is committed to providing every child in Namugongo access to education, health services, shelter, clothing, adult supervision and a sense of belonging to a loving family.

Deogratious Twesigye never knew his father, who died from AIDS when he was a young boy. His mother, also HIV positive, reached a point when Deo was very young where she could no longer care for him. He came to Namugongo to live with his aunt, who struggled to support her own immediate family.

Luckily, the family’s dire situation came to the attention of the Namugongo Fund for Special Children. We stepped in to provide Deo with access to a breakfast center near home, after school academic support and health care for the entire family.

It didn’t take long to see the immense talent inside Deo. He was a natural leader, who excelled at communicating and successfully resolving conflicts. His potential was limitless; he lacked only the resources to continue his education past primary school.

NFSC identified a sponsor that was eager to connect with and help a boy like Deo. He enrolled in Buddo Secondary School, which provided him with the opportunities to pursue his passions and constructively apply his skills. He played leading roles in student performing arts productions, pursued academic interests to bolster his chances beyond school and even rose to Chief Judge of the Student’s Court at Buddo, the highest leadership position in the student body. Truly, his leadership aptitude was given a chance to blossom through this opportunity provided to Deo.

Help us ensure that boys like Deo have the opportunity to thrive and become future leaders in their communities.

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